Ways to Save Money at Juanita Firs 76
Saving money on fuel at Juanita Firs 76 is super easy. We want to help you keep more money in your pocket, and we offer several different ways to get you there. Here's how you can save a whopping 48 cents a gallon when you fill up at our station:
3 cents a gallon with the Kickback Card
We give you 3 points per gallon on your fuel purchases with the Kickback Card. The points you earn can be redeemed to discount future purchases. Each point is worth 1¢. (So, for example, once you have 100 points on your card, you can use those points to discount your next purchase by $1.00). You can pick up a card at the station for free. To learn more, visit www.kicbackpoints.com 5 cents a gallon with the Kickback Card on Sundays
Every Sunday from 1:00-6:00 PM, we immediately knock off 5¢ a gallon when you use your Kickback Card. So, you're not only getting your 3 points per gallon you normally get, but you're also getting an extra 5¢ off right away. Instant gratification! |
* Some discounts are available for a limited time.